Milk Fed Veal Rump Boneless Portions, 1-1.03kg, price/pack, frozen

Milk Fed Veal Rump Boneless Portions, 1-1.03kg, price/pack, frozen

Regular price $60.00 SGD

From the Topside cut, from the veal leg set, these steaks are very tender. 

Ideal for schnitzels, escalopes for pan frying 

Veal is the meat of calves (young cattle), in contrast to the beef from older cattle. Milk fed Veal can be produced from a calf of either gender and any breed; however, most veal comes from young males of dairy breed because these are surplus to the industry's requirements. Generally, veal is more expensive than beef from older cattle.

Veal has been an important ingredient in Italian and French Cuisine from ancient times. The veal is often in the form of cutlets, such as the Italian cotoletta or the famous Austrian dish Wiener Schnitzel. Because veal is lower in fat than many meats, care must be taken in preparation to ensure that it does not become tough.

Pan-Seared Veal Steaks With Green Peppercorns

Veal fillet with fricassee of mushrooms

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